
Kuyahoora Kickers
Runners of the Kuyahoora Valley in Central New York
SINCE 1982
Our Story
The Kuyahoora Kickers are a Central New York running club founded in 1982. There are no officers, no mission statement, no rules, laws or guideline as well as no dues. We do not hold meetings - we gather, we run, we socialize. Our abilities are wide ranged, from very competitive to recreational.
Weekly Runs
As a group we run every Thursday of the year at 6:00pm - every Thursday, with only one exception, Thanksgiving. We all determine our courses, distances and speeds that we'll run on that evening. We meet at the Newport Telephone Co. on Bridge Street. We will all run different routes, different distances and different paces - everyone can be comfortable.
Want to join? Just show up on a Thursday and you're in....
Below you will find results from past years events conducted by the Kickers:
NewPort Fireman's Field Days
Towpath Trail Run
2020 Towpath Trail Run (Virtual)
1996 Towpath Trail Run (no event)